
Our professional pressure washing service is designed to restore your surfaces to their original luster. We begin with a thorough inspection of your property to identify areas in need of deep cleaning and assess any potential challenges. Next, we prepare the area by protecting delicate areas such as windows, plants and furniture with special covers. Next, we apply a chemical pretreatment designed to soften the most encrusted dirt and make it easier to remove.

Using state-of-the-art, high-powered equipment, we direct pressurized jets of water onto surfaces, effectively removing dirt, mildew, mildew, peeling paint and other contaminants. We adjust the pressure and angle of the jet according to the type of surface and level of soiling, ensuring thorough cleaning without damaging materials. After pressure washing, we thoroughly rinse the surfaces to remove any residual detergent or dirt.

Finally, we perform a detailed inspection to ensure that the job is complete and to your satisfaction. In some cases, we may apply a post-treatment to protect the surfaces and improve their appearance. Our goal is not only to clean, but also to protect and beautify your outdoor spaces, leaving them looking like new.