Our pressure washing service begins with a thorough inspection of your property. We evaluate each surface to determine specific cleaning needs and potential challenges. Next, we prepare the area by protecting delicate areas such as windows and plants with special covers. Then, we apply a pretreatment to soften the most ingrained dirt before pressure washing begins.
Using high-powered equipment, we direct jets of pressurized water to remove dirt, mildew, mold, mildew and other contaminants from your surfaces. We work with care and precision to ensure that the cleaning is thorough but without damaging the surfaces. Once we have removed all the dirt, we rinse thoroughly to remove any residual detergent or dirt.
Finally, we perform a final inspection to ensure that the job is complete and to your satisfaction. In some cases, we may apply a post-treatment to protect the surfaces and improve their appearance. Our goal is to restore your surfaces to their original luster and prolong their life.